Friday, January 28, 2011

EOQ Congresses

2011 - 55th EOQ Congress in Budapest, Hungary

EOQ and its National Representative organization from Hungary, HNC-EOQ, is kindly inviting you to participate in the 55th EOQ Congress organized in Budapet, Hungary in June 20-22, 2011 under the motto "Navigating Global Quality in a New Era"
For all interested, please use the Congress Pre-registration form.

2010 - 54th EOQ Congress in Izmir, Turkey

EOQ and TSE (Turkish Standards Organization) have organized the 54th EOQ Congress on 26-27 October 2010 in the beautiful city of Izmir/Turkey.The congress was a successful event having about 540 participants from 60 countries.
The EOQ President, Mr. Viktor Seitschek, closed the congress by saying:
"After hearing the interesting and valuable presentations of the congress and visiting beautiful Izmir and historical Ephesus I am convinced the congress motto “A Heritage for the Future: Quality” was really appropriate: exceptional ancient art and architecture from our ancestors combined with valuable quality ideas for the next generations. 
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed the EOQ congress here in Izmir, where you could learn about fresh perspectives and new approaches and could engage in dynamic networking opportunities.(...) a big thank to the president of TSE and the whole TSE team for the excellent organization of the congress, for the top quality services, for the kindness and warm hospitality."

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