Sunday, March 13, 2011

Uncertainty Calculus in Metrology

Valter Y. Aibe
Mikhail D. Mikhailov
INMETRO, Fluid Dynamic Metrology Division

A new uncertainty calculus is introduced and implemented in Mathematica software system. Similarly to
the complex and interval numbers, a new object x ± x called uncertainty number is introduced. The uncertainty calculus transforms a functional relationship of uncertainty numbers f[x1 ± x1, x2 ± x2, ..., xn ± xn] into an uncertainty number y ± y, assuming that all input quantities xi ± xi are independent. Examples demonstrating the uncertainty calculus are given. The new dynamic interactive computing, introduced by Wolfram Research with the release of Mathematica 6 is also demonstrated. The result presented in this paper were generated from Mathematica 6 notebook.

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