Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Job Fatigue - 10 Tips For Burning Bright Vs Burning Out

Burnout on the job is very real these days. People are both overworked and overwhelmed. They keep saying something has to change, but they're unclear about what that could look like short of leaving the position. While resigning is certainly an option, it may not be a viable one or a wise one during the economic sludge that, unfortunately, has become part of the American fiber. So if walking out the door can't happen now, then what?
You can incorporate certain choices and strategies into every work day right where you are. That's right. Today. Tomorrow. Which of the following ten tips appeal to you? Which would you like to try? Which could provide just enough change to refresh you without making a major move?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4743235

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