Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Train to Gain initiative has much to offer employers

What can the Train to Gain initiative offer employers? For starters, advice and money.

Since its launch last year, the Learning and Skills Council-backed (LSC) Train to Gain initiative has attracted many participating companies from across the UK. The latest figures available, from this August, show that more than 52,000 employers have signed up and nearly 230,000 employees have begun learning through the scheme.
Sounds a lot, doesn't it? But Train to Gain's target is to reach 2.5 million learners by 2011 and to accredit 1.25 million Level 2 qualifications by the same year.
Free diagnostic
Under Train to Gain, every employer is entitled to a free training diagnostic, where independent consultants, usually from the local Business Link, go into a company, discuss skills needs and work with the business to draw up an action plan. But ultimately, says Train to Gain's development director Glen Robinson, it is "the employer that drives the breadth and depth of the training commitment. They can choose to take up all recommendations at once or to take it a bit at a time."

He says the outcome of each diagnostic is as varied as the range of companies. One business may decide to send a few employees on day release to college to study for a degree, while another may be in need in of some leadership development intervention. In each case, the skills broker will source and approach suitable further education colleges or training providers on the client's behalf.
"It may be no training is required at all and that the company needs advice about marketing or export sales. In these cases, they can be put in touch with experts at Business Link," says Robinson.

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