Monday, May 2, 2011

New manufacturing innovations blog lifts off

The manufacturing experts at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership are now spreading the word on manufacturing innovation by blog. Launched April 4, the official MEP Blog: Manufacturing Innovations ( will serve as a focal point for educating U.S. manufacturers, partners and stakeholders on the latest industry trends.
"From analyzing economic data to sharing successes of our clients, we hope the Manufacturing Innovations Blog will become a site that inspires conversations about manufacturing in the U.S.," says Roger Kilmer, director of NIST MEP.
Innovation is at the core of what MEP does. Manufacturers that accelerate innovation are far more successful than those who do not. By placing innovations developed through research at federal laboratories, educational institutions and corporations directly in the hands of U.S. manufacturers, MEP serves an essential role sustaining and growing America's manufacturing base. The program assists manufacturers to achieving new sales, leading to higher tax receipts and new, sustainable jobs in the high-paying advanced manufacturing sector.
MEP works with U.S. manufacturers to help them create and retain jobs, increase profits, and save time and money. The nationwide network provides a variety of services, from innovation strategies to process improvements to green manufacturing. MEP also works with partners at the state and federal levels on programs that put manufacturers in position to develop new customers, expand into new markets and create new products.

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