Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Purpose of Quality Management By Tony Jacowski

There are three main components of quality management. They are: quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement. Quality management focuses on the quality of products and services offered by organizations as well as the means by which this quality is achieved. Because of this, it utilizes quality assurance and control of processes and products in an effort to be more consistent.
Quality control is the process of controlling the various elements that help organizations maintain good quality both in the production of products and in the customer satisfaction aspect. This is an important part of overall quality management because it helps to determine the level of quality that is achieved.
Quality assurance enables organizational leaders to know that what they are producing meets or exceeds the standards set forth which will equal the highest quality in all processes in the end. It is important because it helps company executives know just what is going out so a comparison can be made with what is coming in so as to create a good balance.
Quality improvement is the process that helps organizations improve their products, services, and overall customer satisfaction. Whenever problems occur, or when change is necessary, quality improvement plays an important role in making them all happen in a way that promotes productivity and profitability.
Before quality management can properly be implemented, organizational leaders must first gain a good understanding of just what good quality is and how it has evolved over the years within their business. They must also understand the principles utilized so they will be better able to make a true difference in terms of product and service improvement and evaluation.
There are standards of quality management that must be met in order to maintain the level of quality that has come to be expected in various industries. This also aids executives in understanding the true purpose of quality management so it may then be utilized in the best way possible to achieve the desired end result.

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