Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thinking About Problems: Kepner-Tregoe®

The IT Inf rast ructure Library™ (ITIL®) descr ibes the steps of the root cause analysis method called Kepner-Tregoe
- Define and Describe the Problem, Establish possible causes, Test the most probable cause, and Veri y the true cause.

The ITIL mentions Kepner-Tregoe, but does not give enough detail to use it to solve difficult problems.

Simple as it sounds, most technicians and technical leads do not actually follow Kepner-Tregoe.
They rely instead upon preconceived ideas and often skip impor tant steps. Then, without a plan and in desperation they fall back on the good old "when in doubt swap i t out" technique.
Taking the t ime to use Kepner-Tregoe can result in dramatic improvements in troubleshooting, and deliver permanent fixes to prevent future problems as well .
Following it's provided a template for using Kepner-Tregoe that problem managers and staff can use to accelerate root cause analysis.


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