Sunday, March 13, 2011

Advanced Bolt Torque Audit Yields Bolt Tension Data

Torque-Angle Signature Analysis & M-Alpha Audit Method
By: Ralph Shoberg, Technical Director

Auditing the performance of tightened bolted joints has long been a priority of quality and assembly personnel in the manufacturing and maintenance fields. There have been many methods developed over the past 40 years to determine the “residual torque” on a tightened fastener and this value is used as a measure of joint integrity. Each of these techniques is a practical method of determining the torque remaining in the joint or the capability of the installation tool; however the true object of tightening a fastener is to produce a clamping load in the joint that will create a reliable assembly. The object of tightening a fastener is to achieve a tension load on the fastener that clamps the bolted components with sufficient force to create a reliable assembly. What is needed is a method of estimating the “residual tension” achieved by a fastener in a bolted assembly (not torque).

Complete article here:

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