Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Five Things You Need to Know About Material Handling

Don't fear new technologies.

By David Blanchard
March 16, 2011

Like other manufacturing industries, makers of material handling equipment (lift trucks, conveyors, automated storage and retrieval systems, order-picking equipment, etc.) had it pretty rough during the recession. However, things are picking up quite nicely, with orders up 18% in 2010 (admittedly, over a weak 2009), and expected to grow another 11% to 12% this year, based on a forecast from the Material Handling Industry of America.

Chuck Pascarelli
As president of lift-truck manufacturer Raymond Corp.'s Sales and Marketing Division, Chuck Pascarelli has first-hand experience with the ups and downs of the material handling industry. He offers the following five tips for companies seeking to better leverage their supply chains through a well-considered material handling strategy:

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