Tuesday, April 12, 2011

5 Interviewing Tips From An Interviewing Failure

Posted: April 12, 2011

It seems counter-intuitive, right? To take advice from someone who is classifying themselves as a failure? However, someone who has never failed at an interview can only tell you what has worked… they can’t tell you what hasn’t. They don’t have insight into the common mistakes that people unknowingly make in an interview, subtle nuances that make all of the difference.  Which is why I am writing this post, because when I was looking for my first real position, I made all of the mistakes in the book, and learned a great deal in the process. I hope you will find value in the following (Mainly because it will make me feel better about how long it took me to secure the job I wanted.) But also, because I wish someone had been there when I had no answers, to say, “Hey man, don’t worry about it, I’ve been doing this wrong forever, so let me give you some advice.”

Read it at>>

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