Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Quality Gates are and why they are important to project managers

John Aaron                
Milestone Planning  and
Research, Inc.

As a project manager, you must plan and control scope, schedule, cost and quality in an integrated fashion. Project managers frequently have difficulty in planning and controlling quality and its integration with the scope and schedule.
Yet, quality can be the most crucial element to managing a project because quality usually affects all other dimensions of project performance. If quality is not properly planned and executed, the necessary corrective actions and preventative actions required for overall good project management cannot be performed. This tutorial helps project managers develop their skills in managing quality and its integration with scope, schedule and cost by using a tool commonly referred to as Quality Gates. Over the years Quality Gates have taken a number of different names including: stage gates, phase gates and toll gates to name a few. They all refer to basically the same concept.

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