Thursday, May 26, 2011

i6 Challenge Bring Innovative Ideas to Market

The i6 Green Challenge is a $12 million competition, which builds on the success of  last year's inaugural i6 Challenge, and focuses on the nexus between economic development and environmental quality and rewards innovative, ground-breaking ideas that enable technology commercialization, new venture formation, job creation, and economic growth

"The $12 million i6 Green Challenge is an important component of President Obama's Startup America initiative to promote American innovation and win the future. The multi-agency competition builds on the success of last year's initiative by encouraging Proof of Concept Centers and promoting green growth to increase our nation's competitiveness and accelerate the economic recovery."

- U.S. Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra

"Initiatives like the i6 Green Challenge support the President's vision for out-innovating the rest of the world by moving great ideas from the lab to the marketplace to spur the development of 21st century jobs and industries. We know that in the last 30 years, nearly all net new jobs were created by startups, and they will continue to play a critical role in our nation's economic prosperity."

- U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke

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