Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Survey of Baldrige Examiners Reveals Current Perceptions of Performance

From NIST Tech Beat: August 30, 2011
Contact: Michael E. Newman

Management and non-management personnel across a broad cross-section of U.S. organizations see eye-to-eye on mission, customer focus and commitment to success but differ significantly in their views on how to best measure quality of work and customer satisfaction. These are a few of the findings from a recent survey of nearly 500 members of the 2011 Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Baldrige examiners are experts from industry, educational institutions, health care providers, government at all levels and non-profit organizations who volunteer many hours reviewing applications for the award, conducting site visits and providing each applicant with an extensive feedback report citing strengths and opportunities to improve. The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program asked this year’s examiners to assess their own organizations using either the program’s “Are We Making Progress?” or “Are We Making Progress as Leaders?” questionnaires, depending on whether or not the examiners worked in management. These survey instruments* are based on the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence and allow an organization to gauge its progress in achieving high performance and define where improvements are needed to reach that goal.
The questionnaires ask employee respondents to gauge their level of agreement with statements related to the Baldrige criteria, such as, “I know who my most important customers are.” Managers are quizzed on their perceptions of their organizations (“Our employees know who their most important customers are.”).

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