Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hospitals Join Initiative to Do No Harm

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

February 1, 2012

On any given day, roughly one in 20 patients acquires an infection while hospitalized. They can come from ventilators; central lines used to deliver fluids, medication and blood; urinary catheters; or surgical sites.
They also are just one example of hospital-acquired conditions. Others include blood clots, falls and severe bed sores. These conditions cost the healthcare system billions of dollars a year. So do hospital readmissions. Almost one in five patients covered by Medicare is readmitted to a hospital within 30 days of being discharged, and many of those readmissions are preventable.
The Wisconsin Hospital Association has launched a statewide initiative, funded with money included in the federal healthcare reform law, to reduce hospital-acquired conditions and readmissions.
Roughly 100 hospitals plan to participate in the initiative.

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