Friday, March 30, 2012

Building Leadership Resilience

March 26, 2011

by Your Host: Mike Figliuolo
Mike is the Founder and Managing Director of thoughtLEADERS, LLC

In leadership terms, we define Resilience as the ability to adapt in the face of multiple changes while continuing to persevere toward strategic goals. In our very dynamic work environment, leaders must build their resilience and they must also help their employees become more resilient.

As a leader, you actually become different based on the changing environment. Most people, after a period of adjustment, bounce back to their previous level of happiness no matter what happens to them. This seems hard to believe but had been proven true (and if you’re curious about how resilient you are, you can take a quick online assessment by CLICKING HERE).
Think about someone you have worked with that you respected but they did not navigate challenge well? How does the undesirable behavior impact you and your ability to function? 

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