Monday, May 7, 2012

Can a Company Be Too Big to Serve?

by Susan Mazza on April 25, 2012

As I [Susan] reflect on my experience here are my initial thoughts on whether a company can become too big to serve.

I don’t think it is an issue of size, but rather an issue of mechanizing human interaction to the point where…

…scripts replace effective 2 way communication;

…intelligence is stamped out by procedures; and

…personal responsibility becomes irrelevant because there’s always someone you not only can, but are expected to pass the problem along to with no expectation of following up.

Your system is broken when…

…the only person who owns the customer’s problem is the customer

…the customer is forced to learn your language and processes just to survive their interactions and finds they often knows them better than your employees.

If you , Comcast and AT&T, or any big company is going to step up your customer service, it’s time to stop trying to fix a human system with a machine based model in the never ending quest for maximizing efficiency. It is not working. The alternative is start reinventing your organizations to help employees and customers alike deal effectively with the inherent complexity and inevitable breakdowns.

You have some great people working for you Comcast and AT&T and they appear to be drowning in a sea of mediocrity perpetuated by flaws in your support systems. Please help those people so they can help us.

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