Thursday, May 24, 2012

Are Habits More Powerful Than Decisions? Marketers Hope So.

By Leslie Brokaw – 5/16/12

The science of how we develop habits is used by companies both to mold consumer preference and to shape corporate culture.

Habits are powerful forces, and companies are using those forces when interacting with customers and employees.

“Over the past two decades, the science of habit formation has become a major field of research in neurology and psychology departments at hundreds of major medical centers and universities, as well as inside extremely well financed corporate labs,” wrote Charles Duhigg, a New York Times staff writer, in “How Companies Learn Your Secrets” in February.

Duhigg is everywhere these days, talking about his new best-seller “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (Random House, 2012). It’s a fascinating topic: habits, rather than conscious decision-making, can shape as many as 45 percent of the choices we make every day, according to a study [pdf] from Duke University.

Five of the themes Duhigg explores:

.... read them, clicking here

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