Friday, June 8, 2012

What is business for? 24 Bold Ideas & Experiments for Reinventing Capitalism

By Polly LaBarre
May 21, 2012

It’s an idea with few enemies—and many authors: how do we renew the soul of capitalism and fundamentally reimagine it for a new age and a new set of challenges? That was the question we put to a global community of hackers and innovators in the Long-Term Capitalism Challenge. Specifically, what real world experiment or bold ideas are you advancing to accelerate the shift toward a more principled, patient, and social accountable capitalism?

In just two-and-a-half months, we received some 148 entries from leaders, thinkers, and innovators of all stripes, from every corner of the planet. The diversity of ideas was as striking as the diversity of the contributors. We learned about initiatives and transformation at the firm level, of the entire ecosystem, from the realms of nonprofits, for-profits, hybrid organizations and coalitions of competitors. We heard about embedding the ethos of community and citizenship in an organization at the deepest level; pushing the boundaries of sustainability, transparency, and inclusion; reinventing metrics and developing new feedback loops; redesigning management education; and fundamentally rethinking what business is for, who it serves, and what it means to create value.

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