by Amancio Moraes
at July 30th
When something goes wrong in supplier process or services within automobilistic industry, starts itself a sophisticatedly process of problem solving, demanding high competence among the supplier's team to deal with such issue. Large amount of quality and manegement's tools are triggered leading for deep analysis, usually quite expensive and out of simplifyed resolution concept.
Thus, I wonder:
- Has the carmakers been adopting the same posture along with customer unsatisfaction?
I have my doubts.
They should be doing, for sure, nevertheless there isn't a counterpart forcing them to do as they usually demand from suppliers, except those cases where the government acts on behalf of the user.
Worse, when car makers drive to huge focus on "sophisticated" problem solving at suppliers, one "disastrous" consequence is to enhance process costs, what create difficulties to achieve costs reduction so much necessary in a competitive market.
I'm not preaching here a indiscipline to deal with non-conformities arisen in a manufacturing process, but advising towards demanding corrective solution with criteria, avoiding to generate waste, "trying to kill a fly with a cannon shot".
Or such things can be noticed only in the companies I have been working for several years, not in yours ?
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