I have been wanting to write this post for a while. I have said it many times in passing to individuals and in my writings, but I have never dedicated an article to it. Very few things boil my blood more than seeing business owners, or employees for that matter; that refuse to pick-up a book, read a blog post, or take a class to grow and learn how to be better. Better leaders, better followers, better innovators, better problem solvers, better marketers, better at anything and everything.
A couple months ago I was elated to receive an advanced copy of Great Leaders GROW – Becoming a Leader for Life,
by Ken Blanchard and Mark Miller. I received the book and I exhaled and
said “Finally.” Not only was this a book by one of my favorite authors,
but it hit the nail on the head. I receive a lot of books to review,
but I never write about a book that does not move me. This one did it.
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