Thursday, December 16, 2010

Practical Considerations for DoE Implementation in Quality By Design

Design of Experiments (DoE) is a structured, organized method for determining the relationships among factors affecting a process and its output (1). It has been suggested that DoE can offer returns that are four to eight times greater than the cost of running the experiments in a fraction of the time that it would take to run one-factor-at-a-time experiments.

Application of DoE helps companies
• gain maximum information from a minimum number of experiments
• study effects individually by varying all operating parameters simultaneously
• take account of variability in experiments, operators, raw materials, or processes themselves
• identify interactions among process parameters, unlike with onefactor-at-a-time experiments
• characterize acceptable ranges of key and critical process parameters contributing to identification of a
design space, which helps to provide an “assurance of quality.”

Therefore, let's "trip" into this basic booklet about DoE!?

Enjoy it

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