Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Better Time Management Is Not the Answer

Managers tell us all the time they have "a time management problem." Their days, they say, are often hijacked by unplanned events, interruptions, crises — matters that can't be ignored. They go to work planning to do certain things as a boss and at day's end they realize they've done none of it.
"How do I cope?" they want to know. "How do I do what I'm supposed to do in the middle of chaos? When do I do the work of being a boss — things like working toward goals, developing people, building a team, and creating and sustaining a network?"
Does this sound familiar? Do you have this kind of time problem?
The answer isn't what you probably expect or hope to hear. Even if you push off less important demands, delegate better, and are stingy in your expenditure of time — all good time management practices — you would still have a problem.


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