Thursday, April 14, 2011

Why starting a business during a recession can be a good idea

clock63312045.jpgIt may surprise you to learn that periods of recession, may be one of the best times to start a small business. Some of the reason may be out of necessity. Many unemployed workers find that if they have been laid off, they may have no choice but to strike out on their own. Or you may have had an idea for a small business for a long time, but now that you are out of a job, you actually have time to work on that idea. In addition, many people are not only unemployed, but underemployed during a recession. Both of these conditions can stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit, and lead to the creation of new small businesses. Interestingly, the creation of new small businesses is often what leads us out of recession since small business drives the economy to a large extent. So if you find yourself with more time on your hands then you would like, or an idea that is itching to be brought to life here are some reasons that a recession may be a good time to start a small business.
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