Friday, October 21, 2011

Life after Steve Jobs: What to Expect from the Next Generation at Apple

It has been a wrenching six weeks for Apple. First, in a not entirely unexpected move, CEO Steve Jobs announced on August 24 that he would step down for health reasons and pass the torch to chief operating officer Tim Cook, who had temporarily taken the helm during Jobs's past medical leaves.
But Jobs was expected to remain a force behind the scenes at the company he co-founded in 1976 and built into a perennial game changer for the entire technology sector. Then, last Wednesday Apple announced that Jobs had passed away from cancer at the age of 56. Rather than a gradual transition, Cook and the leadership team Jobs leaves behind now face a baptism by fire.
"Steve Jobs wasn't just Apple's CEO," Wharton legal studies and business ethics professor Kevin Werbach says. "He was its animating force for most of the company's 35-year existence, and especially after his return 15 years ago.


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