Sunday, November 6, 2011

Reinventing Manufacturing: Germany’s Fulfilling Future

Posted by Pierfrancesco Manenti 
Manufacturing helped Germany recover from the last recession faster than any other major industrialized country. Will rising investments drive its manufacturing future?

By Pierfrancesco Manenti

A recent Time magazine article titled “How Germany Became the China of Europe” characterizes Germany as the competitive powerhouse of the European region. The figures are certainly convincing. While the Eurozone saw a modest 1.7% growth in GDP in 2010, Germany reached 3.6% in GDP growth. Expectations are that economic expansion will continue, with another solid 3.3% in GDP growth this year, too.

This strong economic performance has its roots in Germany’s vibrant manufacturing industry. Over the last 10 years, while many other countries were rapidly growing on the back of creative financial services, Germany implemented substantial workforce reforms. It raised the retirement age, and increased labor flexibility to reduce unemployment and lower costs. This helped create the most competitive industrial sector of any advanced European economy, according to recent study by Deloitte that also ranks Germany eighth worldwide.
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