Monday, November 21, 2011

There was a neutrino named Bright

Sep 23rd 2011, 10:15 by J.P.
Who travelled faster than light
NEUTRINOS possess a seemingly endless capacity to discombobulate. First the elusive particles, which theorists believe to be as abundant in the universe as photons, but which almost never interact with anything, turned out to have mass. That discovery, made at Japan's Super-Kamiokande detector in 1998, flew in the face of the Standard Model, a 40-year-old rulebook of particle physics which predicted they ought to be massless (and which has since been tweaked to accommodate the result). Now researchers at CERN, the world's main particle-physics laboratory, report that their neutrinos appear to confound what is, if anything, an even bigger theoretical colossus: Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity. They did it by apparently travelling faster than the speed of light.

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