Monday, November 21, 2011

The web giant - Google Music - launches a rival to Apple’s iTunes

Battle of the bands

“BREAK Ya Neck” is the title of one of the many ditties to have tripped off the tongue of Busta Rhymes over the years. On November 16th the rapper and a number of other well-known musicians were on hand to help mark the launch of Google’s new online music service. Although the internet giant is not planning to snap any necks, it would dearly like to break the vice-like grip that Apple has on the $6.3 billion a year digital-music business thanks to the success of its iTunes online store and devices such as the iPod. But doing so will not be easy.
Google’s decision to launch its own music store is the latest salvo in a wider conflict being waged by the titans of the tech world. Like spiders spinning vast webs, Apple, Amazon and Google are doing their best to create huge “ecosystems” of tightly linked electronic devices and online services that snare consumers and discourage them from switching to rivals’ offerings.

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