Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Cultivating Intuition at the Gemba

by Ernie Richardson & Tracey Richardson
January 28, 2019

Recently Mike Orzen and I (Tracey) wrote a Post about the importance of developing your five senses when going to the Gemba—of tapping into the full spectrum of “sense” so as to grasp a deeper awareness of the work environment around us and to recognize the deep connection our senses create to it. To this thought we would actually include the value of intuition.
Now, our trainers would never allow us to totally put all our eggs in the intuition basket; but we suspect that if challenged they would concede that using gut feelings and other criteria that is not precisely defined can still be extremely useful to confirm assumptions and hypotheses. You don’t always need scientific proof to confirm matters in our personal life. If for example I see clouds, the temperature drops, the wind increases and I smell moisture in the air, I don’t necessarily have to go much further than to know there is a high probability it is going to rain.  But our intuition started well before that based on past experiences.

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