Sunday, February 20, 2011

Geared up for management systems

General Motors

For GM in Strasbourg, driving vision for the future is quality and this has always been a vital part of their business plan.

General Motors - front coverThe automotive industry is under increasing pressure to reduce emissions and design engines that consume less petrol. For the General Motors site in Strasbourg, this translates into producing automatic transmissions that consume less energy.
The site's President, Marc Schiff, is meeting the challenge with enthusiasm and is committed to the implementation of certified management systems to help achieve it.
"For GM in Strasbourg, our driving vision for the future is quality and this has always been a vital part of our business plan.  We started with ISO 9000 certification in the 1990's, then we achieved QS-9000 certification and we have recently achieved certification to ISO/TS 16949, the automotive standard.  Achieving such standards ensures we have systems in place which help ensure people do things correctly.  These standards have provided us with a structured approach and this is very powerful as it forces people to do the right thing every time."

General Motors (pdf, 214kb)

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