Tuesday, November 8, 2011

“Know Before Whom You Stand” Quality Assurance in Nonprofits

Ellen Secci, guest blogger
Yes, Nonprofits are concerned about Quality Assurance which is a critical marketing tool when competing for funds. Funders are looking for excellence and results.
There is a saying in the Talmud, “Know before whom you stand.”  I would say the Talmud teaches us the first and most significant aspect of Quality Assurance in the Non Profit sector…. the people served or the injustice eradicated.
In nonprofit agencies across the country one will hear passionate discussions on many topics like: empowerment, mission statements, vision and goals, volunteerism, responding to community needs, and the continued drive to focus always on the people being served.  The level of Quality Assurance in the nonprofit sector is what in business is considered to be customer focused or managed customer care. However there is no money to be made, no product to sell, the only product is to improve the lives of the people that are broken, to eliminate injustice and hopefully transform the hearts of those who are open to hearing the call to help. The people and the mission not financial gains are what drive the nonprofit.
So you may ask, what role does QA play in this altruistic work?
Read it, clicking here

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