Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why Should Senior Leaders Become Baldrige Executive Fellows?


Posted by Bob Fangmeyer 
The Baldrige Executive Fellows Program is an executive development program centered on forming relationships with and learning from Baldrige Award Recipient senior executives. Award Recipients are not “perfect” organizations, but they have demonstrated role-model excellence in the approaches they use and the results they have achieved. The Baldrige framework is founded on a set of core values that include visionary leadership, customer-focused excellence, organizational and personal learning, valuing workforce members and partners, management by fact, innovation, and a focus on the future. Award Recipient senior executives embody and are personally committed to these values.
In 2010-11, the inaugural cohort of Baldrige Fellows had the opportunity to personally interact with and learn from at least 20 senior executives from various Award Recipient organizations. The benefits to participants included accelerated leadership development, unique insights to and in-depth learning from world-class organizations and their senior executives, and relationships with other executives that will benefit participants now and into the future. Watch the video to hear what the 2011 Fellows had to say about networking with and learning from the Award recipients.

Follow the links to hear what they said about each other, and to learn about their capstone projects. If this program sounds interesting to you I invite you to review the Benefits for Participants and Baldrige Fellows Prospectus and contact me or visit our website for more information. Applications for the 2012 cohort are due no later than December 31, 2011.

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