Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Fight for Baldrige–What’s Next?

Well, it’s come to this.
On Wednesday, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science voted to zero out for the Baldrige Program for fiscal year 2012. Yes, I’m disappointed. It’s likely thought that Congress will not pass a budget and resort to a continuing resolution. It’s already on the floor and could extent funding for Baldrige.
But this really shouldn’t be such uphill work As I said in ASQ’s public statement, Congress should be shining a light on Baldrige recipients and point with pride to their accomplishments as an example of what the best can do. Baldrige recipients are creating jobs, saving lives and enriching students. It’s discouraging that the Subcommittee apparently doesn’t understand how valuable the government’s role has been. In these challenging times, model programs — like Baldrige — should be showcased, not eliminated.

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